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牛津大学EMI中心主任Julie Dearden 来我校学术交流

【来源:4188云顶集团    |   发布日期:2018-12-13 】

2018年12月12日下午牛津大学EMI中心主任Julie Dearden来我校学术交流,会议在立行楼4188云顶集团学术报告厅举行。会议由4188云顶集团薛英利副院长主持。4188云顶集团全体教师、我校部分教师和学生参加了此次学术交流会。Julie Dearden曾任牛津大学赫特福学院国际项目和英语教学主管、联合国教科文组织翻译员、牛津大学教育系EMI研究中心高级研究员、牛津大学现代语言硕士学位、牛津大学教育系应用语言学和二语习得硕士学位、牛津大学法语和德语学士学位。

本次讲座围绕“英语辅助学术课程教学 助推学校国际化”展开,以下附本次学术报告摘要。报告讲解了EMI的概念、EMI对学生从事科研、职业发展和对高校参与国际化的重要性。此次报告采取互动式讲授方式,先后提出以下问题:第一,教师自我身份认定(Content teachers VS. Language teachers)?第二,如何理解高校的国际化?第三,如何助推高校参与国际化?参会教师分组讨论,给出个性化解读。随后谈及EMI项目在全球和中国合作院校及培训效果。讲座结束,参会教师和Julie进行了深度交流。本次学术交流为后期4188云顶集团英语师资培训校际合作提供了思路。

Julie Dearden讲座现场

Abstract: In recent years we have witnessed a rapid growth in the number of academic subjects in universities being taught through the medium of English rather than through the language of the majority of people of the home country. The growth is attributed primarily to a desire for universities to “internationalise” by attracting international students and also to a desire to ensure that home students are advantaged on the global job market. In this growth there are a number of assumptions that are not necessarily supported by research evidence, for example that students’ proficiency in English will improve as a result of immersion through EMI; that the transition from lecturers teaching in their first language to teaching through their second language (English) will be smooth and not problematic. Importantly, there has been little consideration as to what will become of the many English language specialists in universities who have hitherto been teaching general English as a Foreign Language (EFL), English for Academic Purposes (EAP) or English for Specific Purposes (ESP).(4188云顶集团 文/南曼 图/韩荣)

Julie Dearden与部分参会教师合影